St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q4 2023

St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q4 2023

St Hilda’s Newsletter Q4 As we approach the end of the 2023 work year here at St Hilda’s College, we have been reflecting on what an incredible year it has been.  This final quarter of the year has been filled with alumni-focused events and has proven...
St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q3 2023

St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q3 2023

St Hilda’s Newsletter Q3 Where has the year gone? It doesn’t seem that long since we were waiting with excitement to welcome our newest intake of students back in February. Six months on and that group of new students has well and truly settled in and we...
Alumni Newsletter & Questionnaire – Q2 2023

Alumni Newsletter & Questionnaire – Q2 2023

Alumni Newsletter & Questionnaire As the leaves turn on the trees around the campus, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that 2023 is flying by! The past few days have been very quiet around the Hilda’s grounds with many of our students...