The Chronicle 2023

The Chronicle 2023

After many months in the making, the 2023 edition of The Chronicle is now ready for sharing! A huge congratulations to current 3rd year student, Abbey Miller who took on the task of designing the 2023 Chronicle. A piece of this magnitude takes considerable time and...
St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q1 2024

St Hilda’s Newsletter – Q1 2024

St Hilda’s Alumni Newsletter – Q1 2024 As the days start to feel shorter, we are left with no doubt that 2024 is well and truly underway .  As with all new years, the first couple of months at St Hilda’s has been filled with excitement (and some...
First Dinner Recreation Speech – Paddy Ryan

First Dinner Recreation Speech – Paddy Ryan

First Dinner Recreation Speech – Paddy Ryan I ask you all to reflect on your first steps into college, unpacking your belongings and setting up your rooms, recall the blend of nervous anticipation and exhilaration. Hilda’s was a leap into a new world, surrounded...
First Dinner Recreation Speech – Cheryl Iser

First Dinner Recreation Speech – Cheryl Iser

First Dinner Recreation Speech – Cheryl Iser St Hilda’s, 26th February 2024 Thank you, Kate, for organising our reunion this evening.  We know that record-keeping of alumni addresses over 60 years has often been haphazard and we are not always easy to find...
First Dinner Recreation Speech – James Hardiman

First Dinner Recreation Speech – James Hardiman

First Dinner Recreation Speech – James Hardiman Good evening to you all. I want to take a moment to acknowledge how lucky we are to share this moment in time. Today is a time for reflection and celebration as we gather to acknowledge the pioneering women who...