by Carly Damen | Mar 17, 2023 | Blogs, News
Back to St Hilda’s: One more lap around the crescent Pema Deane While there are many new faces around college, there are also a lot of us returning for a second or third year. Compared to arriving for the first time, everything is a lot more familiar, but often...
by Carly Damen | Mar 6, 2023 | Blogs, News
With planning well and truly underway now for our 60th Anniversary, the Community Engagement Team is keen to make 2023 a year where we can focus on reconnecting with our alumni. With this in mind, we want to create opportunities to keep you all up to date with what is...
by Carly Damen | Jan 23, 2023 | Blogs
As members of our College, all students are expected to be familiar with the contents of the College’s handbook. The 2023 Handbook is now available for your perusal below. This is a good reference point for all of our current students and is also useful for...
by Carly Damen | Dec 15, 2022 | Blogs
The second annual edition St Hilda’s College’s Academic Journal is now published. Why not relax with a cuppa over the Summer break and enjoy the various essays, research papers, poetry and art that have been submitted by our talented community. You can...
by snuadmin | Mar 16, 2021 | Blogs
In my last blog, I explored some aspects of living in a community, leaning heavily on Hugh Mackay’s book, The Art of Belonging. I agree with Mackay’s assertion that in order to experience community we need security—both physical (‘I’m safe here’) and...
by snuadmin | Feb 18, 2021 | Blogs
I love the end of February because it contains several of my favourite things: the end of bushfire season; the beginning of glorious Autumn in Melbourne; and Orientation Week for University Colleges. Orientation Week is designed to welcome new...